Frequently Asked Questions
Donor Frequently Asked Questions
What is a scholarship?
How is the Escoffier Scholarship Foundation governed?
Why donate to the Escoffier Scholarship Foundation?
Are my donations tax-deductible?
Auguste Escoffier Educational Fund, Inc. is recognized as a tax-exempt organization under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to tax-exempt organizations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. Please consult your tax advisor regarding specific questions about the deductibility of your contribution.
Is donor information kept confidential?
How does the Escoffier Scholarship Foundation handle donor and gift information?
How will my donation be used and reported?
Will the foundation accept endowments?
Some donors make gifts directed to be invested in an endowment which will benefit students in perpetuity. These are called endowed gifts. The Escoffier Scholarship Foundation invests these gifts in a long-term investment pool. A percentage of the endowment balance is distributed quarterly to support the donor’s designated purpose. To learn more about making a current or an endowed gift, please contact the Foundation at (754) 227-1942 or email
What other way can I support the Escoffier Scholarship Foundation?
You can support the Foundation by purchasing our one-of-a-kind Foundation merchandise via our store or check out our event calendar.
Student Frequently Asked Questions
Am I eligible to apply?
Will the Foundation make exceptions to students who do not meet the eligibility requirements?
Due to limited funding, the Foundation will only award students who meet or exceed the eligibility requirements.
Does the Escoffier Scholarship Foundation provide information about other scholarships?
What is the maximum award I can receive from the Foundation?
The maximum award is one thousand dollars $500 per calendar year (subject to change based on funding availability).
Who should I contact with additional scholarship related questions?
Contact the President at
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